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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

second in this month

Form five is the worst time of my life. People shouldn't keep telling us to do our works, stop playing, start revising etc etc. Shouldn't they start appreciating us? It's going to be a whole new world.

How can they expect us to take another governmental examination within 2 years of study? (Accurately speaking there's only 1 and a half year.) Hell, I'm exhausted of all these fooling around test.

Wake up man! Yes you! That stupid fat ass sitting on the place of Minister of Education! Wake up and see what a mess you have done!!! Have you planned the educational schedule in your dream??!!

Stressed~ I'm short of time yet I'm wasting my time here. Chinese New Year please come earlier. After that, Mr. Time could you move a bit slower please~? Or shall I put a gun on the clock and shout "Don't move!"?

1 comment:

Xiao wei said...

u should shot him!