At school. Nothing to do, facebook nothing to see nor read, so I thought I should update my dear lovely blog. However... I just find out actually I have nothing to write about(agaaain).
I can't type chinese using school lab's computer!!! Nothing much happen arnd me so I gonna say what happen inside me. xD
I am in a total confuse whether I did make a right decision or I should have listen to my dad and go for business. Wish I could go back NS hide and have good reason to say I don't know what to study yet. AIKS Let's not think about that first.
I was considering follow some english programmes and take tests. Should I take MUET, IELTS or TOEFL? IELTS widely accepted in UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South African and part of US. TOEFL is an american test ryt? Don't know much about it. I read through about their fees and it's god damn EXPENSIVEEEE!!! MYR 570 for IELTS test fees only. TRF and enquiry on result is another four hundred plus. Preparation materials two hundred plus but those are optional. TOEFL's test fee is about the same but slightly cheaper. Both cert only valid for two years. ): Maybe forget about it is way more easier.
Everything is going complicated. =( My mind my heart. @_@ I like someone and I don't really like this to happen but I couldn't help missing him. ): Kinda embarassing to admit this. This feelings are utterly sucks! Might forget everything after a while maybe, I hope. LOL.
What displease me is that I can't concentrate on my studies! Algebra and QM are dead boring! Yeah I love AddMaths but there's some chapters in it which I terribly hate them. Yet they are all gathering up in Algebra and QM syllabus to meet me up. To make things even more sucks, I'm taking them both in this sem! I hope writing in academic purpose class could help improving my English. Better not too much hope. Film & Arts Appreciation didn't go as interesting as I expected. Leturer gonna talk about the art part until mid-term. Helloooooo my art is terrible okay?! One more subject....... oh yeah Malaysian Studies, unnecessary for me to say, you all know how boring it is. Man~ History agaiiin wey!!! Conclusion, no matter what level you are in, high school, college or university, studying things you are not interested still sucks. Next sem I better take psychology or human communications.
Everybody's moving. Perak, KL, PJ, Russia, Singapore, mana-mana... Aku stay home. (:
Anyway need a part time job. Tak da pocket money. ):
Tu Caresse and Xwei, come back let me see yr face mahhs. I miss euuu. Dah dapat licence must drive larh!!! Abo your skill will go rusted tau?
LOL Did I just said I've got nothing to write? LOL I wrote a whole lot!!! xD
**WTH WHY MIDDLE LONG LOOOONG PART GONE????!!!! NIAMA DAMN NO MOOD EDI!!! How can I possibly remember what I wrote and fit them in again?! Now it gonna be different and a lot shorter!!! Curseeee blogspot!!!** Rewrote again. T.T Appreciate what you read my friend, at least I entertained you for five minutes.