Aiyerr 想到這里要荒廢一個月我就tak boleh tahan。可是沒有電腦的話我是絕對絕對不想打字。=(( 各位看官們我要去NS料。我要去親自體驗一下,NS究竟好玩沒有、是不是真的有鬼等等等等的傳說。XD
我的新手機的下落絕對是一大問題。我100%不敢帶著去NS。千多塊的東西不要跟我開玩笑。他有什么三長兩短我會哭死。給我爸爸用的話100%花掉、油掉。給我那個大頭鬼老妹……我怕我回來的時候聽到我手機被他遺漏在某個大眾場所。給我弟嘛……我不想。XD 我怕回來的時候電話里的GAME他幫我下載upgrade完全部了,然后電池也壞掉去。XD 所以我打算給我媽媽用(其實算是保管多一點XD),因為基本上……他不會去用手機!XD
老實說,收拾行李真的讓我超級頭痛!我從來沒拿過那么大個行李箱出門!我收拾衣物頂多是回婆婆家。絕對不會要帶刷子、洗衣粉。= = 而且我可以把被單、球鞋放在車上載回去。不用塞塞塞。我幾乎想要把洗衣機搬去!>< 而且很多我完全沒想過要帶的……都有人提出來。水桶就很讓我煩了,我媽叫我拿大個的提著去,嚇到我下巴掉下來。不過最后還是拿了一個盆塞進行李箱帶去。不過我還是沒有帶杯面、餅干、汽水啦。我爸爸有問我要不要拿。可是……………………把拔,我是去國民服務不是去逃難。= = 不過我拿了3合1咖啡。=)) 還有還有我的背包都是書本!XD
收拾行李這方面要感謝偉大的過來人,娃娃buin。XD 我ka ka cau cau問了兩天,問一大堆問題,不過除了衣服其他一直都沒有收拾!XD 就剛剛晚上出去買東西回來才收拾的。XD 還一邊想著online。XD 然后剛剛知道,除了同班的慧欣和我去同一個營地,小學同學-瑞馨(名字不懂有沒有寫錯哈哈哈)也是去同一個營地!!!=) 我想日子應該不會很難過才對。等我回來,我要和Lisa、Brian、Brandon上同一所大學——UCSI!! =)
還有還有,in case 我忘掉我要record起來。XD 我回來后要在MSN放綠色for我的娃娃buin;要變七彩給lemon仔看。XDXD 然后我回來要惜欣補一個告別儀式給我。XD
掰掰全部人。T.T 掰掰我的惜欣曉薇ShaoYuan、掰掰我的TSMY+38團(Silvia darling、partner、娃娃buin、lemon仔、很久都不知道他下落的叉叉仔XD、Elaine姐姐、家慧姐姐、大V姐、Jasline姐姐、Yuli班長(XD)、阿蝦、Kotak、泡菜靚媽、DD,失蹤很久的伊蒨、還有不懂是他鬧失蹤還是我鬧失蹤的yen兒XD,然后還有其他很多很多)、掰掰我的朋友、掰掰我的FB、掰掰我的部落格……還有最近跟我玩的惜恬和跟我聊的Derrick,掰掰。(惜欣!我最近跟你的兄妹混很好。XD)
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
=( Government! Gheez.
In future, if any politician or minister says that our government provide good services, I'll make them jump off KLCC tower. =(
I wrote an e-mail to the JLKN for not getting the stupid notifying letter, and some stupid form papers. They replied (okay that's quite quick, in about an hour time) and told me to print the online status check thing then it's acceptable. I totally went WTH. THAT'S IF I CAN EVEN GET INTO YOUR WEBSITE LARH!!! FOR ANOTHER THING, YOU THOUGHT EVERYBODY'S HOUSE GOT PRINTER LIKE YOUR OFFICE ARH? MY PRINTER NO INK LARH! Fine! I like to collect letters! Can???!!! =.= Before this I tried to call them and fax to them but totally got ignored. Should have know that anyway.
I wrote an e-mail to the JLKN for not getting the stupid notifying letter, and some stupid form papers. They replied (okay that's quite quick, in about an hour time) and told me to print the online status check thing then it's acceptable. I totally went WTH. THAT'S IF I CAN EVEN GET INTO YOUR WEBSITE LARH!!! FOR ANOTHER THING, YOU THOUGHT EVERYBODY'S HOUSE GOT PRINTER LIKE YOUR OFFICE ARH? MY PRINTER NO INK LARH! Fine! I like to collect letters! Can???!!! =.= Before this I tried to call them and fax to them but totally got ignored. Should have know that anyway.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
這個咸味也太重了。XD http://mbpo.blogspot.com/2010/03/30cm.html
不過我覺得寫得很沒錯耶~每個人都宣稱自己很有長度,那……你們怎么穿褲子啊?XDXD 而且不是有句廣東話罵人“頂你個肺”的嗎?那么長是要頂肺還是捅胃道啊?
這個咸味也太重了。XD http://mbpo.blogspot.com/2010/03/30cm.html
不過我覺得寫得很沒錯耶~每個人都宣稱自己很有長度,那……你們怎么穿褲子啊?XDXD 而且不是有句廣東話罵人“頂你個肺”的嗎?那么長是要頂肺還是捅胃道啊?
為什么那些UNCLE AUNTIE那么喜歡問“為什么你沒有讀書?”,接著“SPM怎樣?”,然后“在哪里念什么?”。最后就演變成,這樣的成績為什么去念mass communication。=_+
Friday, March 19, 2010
TAGGED by ElaineMoi
Since you’re tagged, you must copy and paste this note and answer in yours. Then tag this note to your 25 TripleS friends. Don’t forget to send me back to see your answer.
1. Who is your favorite member in SS501?
2. What is your favorite song in SS501 list?
Changes from time to time. =) Currently it's <>.
3. How much you love them (in degrees)?
Degrees? I think the thermometer will go burst. Anyway same as Elaine, I prefer 501 degree. BWAHAHAH.
4. Since when you love them?
Since I know their existance. =))
5. What is the most special in SS501?
6. What would you do if someone call you and said “Annyeong, this is Kim Kyu Jong”?
Get me my Hyun Joong oppa please thank you, and your dear tell you to be back by 8 o'clock tonight, weall are having a dinner together. XDXD
7. The best thing of Kim Hyun Joong?
Everything. =))
8. The best thing of Heo Young Saeng?
His voice. Nobody could be better than him. =))
9. Did you give nicknames for them?
Well.... Quite a few. 형준as阿娃;정민as阿馬、妖孽馬;규종as阿奎仔、阿熊仔;영생as阿水哥;현중as金小隊、金老大、阿賢。
10. What song would you hear by?
Actually I don't get what it means in this question. =.= However I choose <>.
11. Who is the best couple?
현생。Don't ask me why.
12. Who's got the best friendship?
All. They are 5 in 1.
13. What would you say if you can meet Kim Hyun Joong?
Hey honey. Be back at home by 8 tonight. XDXDXD
14. What would you say if you can meet Heo Young Saeng?
Sing me a song. I'm lost. =D
15. What would you say if you can meet Park Jung Min?
16. What would you say if you can meet Kim Kyu Jong?
17. What would you say if you can meet Kim Hyung Jun?
18. What do you want of SS501?
I don't need anything of theirs. Leave their happiness, best wishes, health, wealth all with them.
Since you’re tagged, you must copy and paste this note and answer in yours. Then tag this note to your 25 TripleS friends. Don’t forget to send me back to see your answer.
1. Who is your favorite member in SS501?
2. What is your favorite song in SS501 list?
Changes from time to time. =) Currently it's <>.
3. How much you love them (in degrees)?
Degrees? I think the thermometer will go burst. Anyway same as Elaine, I prefer 501 degree. BWAHAHAH.
4. Since when you love them?
Since I know their existance. =))
5. What is the most special in SS501?
6. What would you do if someone call you and said “Annyeong, this is Kim Kyu Jong”?
Get me my Hyun Joong oppa please thank you, and your dear tell you to be back by 8 o'clock tonight, weall are having a dinner together. XDXD
7. The best thing of Kim Hyun Joong?
Everything. =))
8. The best thing of Heo Young Saeng?
His voice. Nobody could be better than him. =))
9. Did you give nicknames for them?
Well.... Quite a few. 형준as阿娃;정민as阿馬、妖孽馬;규종as阿奎仔、阿熊仔;영생as阿水哥;현중as金小隊、金老大、阿賢。
10. What song would you hear by?
Actually I don't get what it means in this question. =.= However I choose <>.
11. Who is the best couple?
현생。Don't ask me why.
12. Who's got the best friendship?
All. They are 5 in 1.
13. What would you say if you can meet Kim Hyun Joong?
Hey honey. Be back at home by 8 tonight. XDXDXD
14. What would you say if you can meet Heo Young Saeng?
Sing me a song. I'm lost. =D
15. What would you say if you can meet Park Jung Min?
16. What would you say if you can meet Kim Kyu Jong?
17. What would you say if you can meet Kim Hyung Jun?
18. What do you want of SS501?
I don't need anything of theirs. Leave their happiness, best wishes, health, wealth all with them.
Monday, March 15, 2010
今天去UCSI拿我的acceptance letter。看到還有6000多塊要給。(@_@)a
我走過去門口的時候,有個女生剛走出來。我看到她手上抱著一個file里面滿滿是我的男人!!! 哇哈哈哈!我家男人真是讓人迷戀啊~ (^3^)a
然后我看到廖偉權說要在UCSI念acturial science。SHIT!!! NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! 你不要來!!! 我不想連念大學還跟你stuck在同一間學校!!!
明天爸爸媽媽要出國了。我又要當店長。Yerrr!!! 好煩!惜欣過來陪我玩啦!XD
我走過去門口的時候,有個女生剛走出來。我看到她手上抱著一個file里面滿滿是我的男人!!! 哇哈哈哈!我家男人真是讓人迷戀啊~ (^3^)a
然后我看到廖偉權說要在UCSI念acturial science。SHIT!!! NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! 你不要來!!! 我不想連念大學還跟你stuck在同一間學校!!!
明天爸爸媽媽要出國了。我又要當店長。Yerrr!!! 好煩!惜欣過來陪我玩啦!XD
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
My Saturday
Today I went to MidValley, registered and so I'm in, UCSI University.
I planned to go by myself at first, till the end, I AM STILL GOING BY MYSELF. XDXD CK asked me to go together because we are heading the same place. Anyway because of somebody, he changed his mind at the platform. LOL ok I'm not blaming anyone, don't get it personal.
What I must say is, Jerry really has a big change. XDXD (Or is it I never noticed you could be so talkactive/hilarious? XDXD) Anyway you are indeed very very HANDSOME. XDXD Anyway I never knew you guys were reading my blog.*scratched head* You guys are invisible or just lost of track? Next time, do drop me some comments if possible. XD At least when I mentioned about you guys mahhs. XD
I'm at KTM station at sharp 10.30 but reached at MidValley at around 11.45 a.m. 0.o Too many people too little train. XD We didn't get on the first train and that was lucky. The next coming train wasn't that full. I've done my things pretty early after reached MidValley. KC told me I could get my letter for the PLKN things next week. I made my payment and ask her to help me about the scholarship thing. Though I don't really think I would be successful. My result doesn't fulfill their request.
After that, I got nothing to do but I don't wanna go home so early so I went to the cinema. The queue was damn LONGGGGG. I hesitated, I hate lining up. So I walked from the south court to the north court and back to the south court. AND, I decided to queue because I had nothing to do(wrong choice). I was thinking I would stop lining and go eat when I get hungry. I saw there's the movie "Alice in Wonderland" so I decided to watch it.
When I get hungry it's already half way to the counter and I am getting interested about that movie so I just waited. It took me half an hour JUST LINING UP. "Alice in Wonderlands" are selling pretty fast. However the information board was showing there's still seats for the movie. When I reached the counter, they told me it's totally full until midnight 11.30p.m. I was like WTH???!! Why on earth you didn't show that on the information board??!! It still showing the yellow "selling fast" not the red "sold out"!! I was pretty mad but nothing I could do so I asked for "Up in the air" instead. Then I went for my lunch.
Went in the theatre at 2p.m. and watch my movie. IT WAS FREEZING IN THERE. = = Are they trying to give us a comfortable environment to watch movie or try to freeze us out? That's why you can't blame people having an answer of "refrigerator" when we talked about images on cinema.
Went to the platform after movie. On my way I was thinking, I pretty like it this way. Watch movie alone, walk alone, can just stand there don't move if I want, can eat whatever(or how many) I like. That's quite a lot benefits too. XD Missed the first train back again. Totally full. The second train also about the same but I just stepped in. There should be more people later. There's 2 pairs of couples in front of me on the commuter. I don't mind if you wanna hug or kiss on the train but at least give me some space to hold on the bar! Or you want me to just lay on you both?!?! I'm about to sit on the beardy already! Have some ettiquette please. *rolled eyes*
When I'm back to my dad shop, I got lectured because I have gone out for such a long time. Well I didn't expect coming back in about two hours after left home. I told him I went for a movie and that was a mistake. = = I don't wanna talk about it too much anyway I just got scolded a bit.
So tired and fall asleep till dark straight after I got home. ZzZzZzZ...
I planned to go by myself at first, till the end, I AM STILL GOING BY MYSELF. XDXD CK asked me to go together because we are heading the same place. Anyway because of somebody, he changed his mind at the platform. LOL ok I'm not blaming anyone, don't get it personal.
What I must say is, Jerry really has a big change. XDXD (Or is it I never noticed you could be so talkactive/hilarious? XDXD) Anyway you are indeed very very HANDSOME. XDXD Anyway I never knew you guys were reading my blog.*scratched head* You guys are invisible or just lost of track? Next time, do drop me some comments if possible. XD At least when I mentioned about you guys mahhs. XD
I'm at KTM station at sharp 10.30 but reached at MidValley at around 11.45 a.m. 0.o Too many people too little train. XD We didn't get on the first train and that was lucky. The next coming train wasn't that full. I've done my things pretty early after reached MidValley. KC told me I could get my letter for the PLKN things next week. I made my payment and ask her to help me about the scholarship thing. Though I don't really think I would be successful. My result doesn't fulfill their request.
After that, I got nothing to do but I don't wanna go home so early so I went to the cinema. The queue was damn LONGGGGG. I hesitated, I hate lining up. So I walked from the south court to the north court and back to the south court. AND, I decided to queue because I had nothing to do(wrong choice). I was thinking I would stop lining and go eat when I get hungry. I saw there's the movie "Alice in Wonderland" so I decided to watch it.
When I get hungry it's already half way to the counter and I am getting interested about that movie so I just waited. It took me half an hour JUST LINING UP. "Alice in Wonderlands" are selling pretty fast. However the information board was showing there's still seats for the movie. When I reached the counter, they told me it's totally full until midnight 11.30p.m. I was like WTH???!! Why on earth you didn't show that on the information board??!! It still showing the yellow "selling fast" not the red "sold out"!! I was pretty mad but nothing I could do so I asked for "Up in the air" instead. Then I went for my lunch.
Went in the theatre at 2p.m. and watch my movie. IT WAS FREEZING IN THERE. = = Are they trying to give us a comfortable environment to watch movie or try to freeze us out? That's why you can't blame people having an answer of "refrigerator" when we talked about images on cinema.
Went to the platform after movie. On my way I was thinking, I pretty like it this way. Watch movie alone, walk alone, can just stand there don't move if I want, can eat whatever(or how many) I like. That's quite a lot benefits too. XD Missed the first train back again. Totally full. The second train also about the same but I just stepped in. There should be more people later. There's 2 pairs of couples in front of me on the commuter. I don't mind if you wanna hug or kiss on the train but at least give me some space to hold on the bar! Or you want me to just lay on you both?!?! I'm about to sit on the beardy already! Have some ettiquette please. *rolled eyes*
When I'm back to my dad shop, I got lectured because I have gone out for such a long time. Well I didn't expect coming back in about two hours after left home. I told him I went for a movie and that was a mistake. = = I don't wanna talk about it too much anyway I just got scolded a bit.
So tired and fall asleep till dark straight after I got home. ZzZzZzZ...
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
SPM 成績
1449 Mathematics
1119 BI
3756 Prinsip Perakaunan
4531 Physics
6351 BC
9216 Kesusasteraan Cina
1103 BM
1225 Moral
1249 Sejarah
3472 Additinal Mathematics
4541 Chemistry
4551 Biology
1119 (GCE-0) -- 3B
3756 (LCCI) -- 1
我本來在心中的預想沒那么好。我是想大概拿5個A都很難吧。畢竟考試之前都在玩,也不怎么念書。所以我第一眼看到成績我非常滿意。XD 可是太多compare的時候就會覺得,似乎也不怎么樣。不過我決定忘掉他,當我是很好的。
在學校的時候我跟數學老師說,老師我真的很對得起你,這么多科目只有你的科目我得了A+。XDXD 如我所盼,3科語言at least有兩科拿A。華文、英文拿A讓我非常地高興。Biology的成績我非常滿意,畢竟我有幾個月都在逃課、亂混。Chemistry 有讓我失望一下,因為我很喜歡Chemistry,當然希望他拿A。可是我一直以來都是拿B,唉,所以可以理解。中國文學和Sejarah居然會拿A十分令人驚訝,因為我都是自己亂掰。Add math拿A- 雖然不會是意料之外可是還是有點失望。我喜歡add math,喜歡的科目總希望成績好一點。>< 至于惜欣說PA拿A簡直是我的榮譽,老實說你不提我還真的沒注意。XD 我沒上課只靠隨隨便便的補習就拿A耶~所以說我佩服自己也不為過啦。畢竟我妹就因為辛苦放棄掉PA啊~哈哈哈。
1449 Mathematics
1119 BI
3756 Prinsip Perakaunan
4531 Physics
6351 BC
9216 Kesusasteraan Cina
1103 BM
1225 Moral
1249 Sejarah
3472 Additinal Mathematics
4541 Chemistry
4551 Biology
1119 (GCE-0) -- 3B
3756 (LCCI) -- 1
我本來在心中的預想沒那么好。我是想大概拿5個A都很難吧。畢竟考試之前都在玩,也不怎么念書。所以我第一眼看到成績我非常滿意。XD 可是太多compare的時候就會覺得,似乎也不怎么樣。不過我決定忘掉他,當我是很好的。
在學校的時候我跟數學老師說,老師我真的很對得起你,這么多科目只有你的科目我得了A+。XDXD 如我所盼,3科語言at least有兩科拿A。華文、英文拿A讓我非常地高興。Biology的成績我非常滿意,畢竟我有幾個月都在逃課、亂混。Chemistry 有讓我失望一下,因為我很喜歡Chemistry,當然希望他拿A。可是我一直以來都是拿B,唉,所以可以理解。中國文學和Sejarah居然會拿A十分令人驚訝,因為我都是自己亂掰。Add math拿A- 雖然不會是意料之外可是還是有點失望。我喜歡add math,喜歡的科目總希望成績好一點。>< 至于惜欣說PA拿A簡直是我的榮譽,老實說你不提我還真的沒注意。XD 我沒上課只靠隨隨便便的補習就拿A耶~所以說我佩服自己也不為過啦。畢竟我妹就因為辛苦放棄掉PA啊~哈哈哈。
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
UTAR PJ的open day在21號。不過當天我爸媽不在,再加上我不想自己走個半死,所以今天就去那里附近繞一繞,看看環境。過后回的時候經過UCSI順便拍下給小V看看。詳情我會慢慢跟你講。嗯……因為我在車上聽MYFM,video可能會聽到我在哼歌。= = 別見怪。
過后去安邦,跟我婆婆吃飯。我婆婆的女兒(兒子全部住遠遠XD)和大姑的孩子都住那里的,這幾天我大姑和婆婆從kampung出來玩,他們大家都聚在一起挺熱鬧的。今天居然全部都沒煮飯!!!坐下來那個場面真是壯觀。 吃得我滿頭汗。過后去我表姐家坐,他們大人聊天,稍后就回了。
圖片太大我的空間太小。看不完。= =要看點進去哈~我懶惰改。





過后去安邦,跟我婆婆吃飯。我婆婆的女兒(兒子全部住遠遠XD)和大姑的孩子都住那里的,這幾天我大姑和婆婆從kampung出來玩,他們大家都聚在一起挺熱鬧的。今天居然全部都沒煮飯!!!坐下來那個場面真是壯觀。 吃得我滿頭汗。過后去我表姐家坐,他們大人聊天,稍后就回了。
圖片太大我的空間太小。看不完。= =要看點進去哈~我懶惰改。






Saturday, March 6, 2010
Foundation @ UTAR PJ
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) Broadcasting @ UTAR PJ
Year 1
Communicative English
Broadcasting 1
Radio Broadcasting
Mass Media and Society
Introduction to Mass Communication
English for Mass Communication
Introduction to Advertising
Sun Tzi's Art of War and Business Strategies
Broadcasting II
↔Year 1 Electives (I)
Introduction to Chinese Language I
Introduction to Chinese Language II
Introduction to Chinese Language III
Introduction to Japanese
↔Year 1 Electives (II)
Malaysia: Cultural and Religious Practices
Introduction to Psychology
↔Year 1 Electives (III)
Fundamentals of Public Relations
Interpersonal Communication
Year 2
Communication Theories
Communication Research Methods
Multimedia Tools for Advertising
Media Planning
Screenplay and Scriptwriting
Communication Technology
Television Production I
Multimedia Design and Applications
Advertising Copywriting
International Advertising
Multimedia Broadcasting
Creative Strategy for Advertising
Year 3
Television Production II
Film Studies
Communication Law
Media Ethics
Public Speaking
Industrial Training
Broadcast Journalism
Film Appreciation, Criticism and Interpretation
B.A. (Hons.) - Mass Communication @ UCSI
Foundation Studies
Computing Studies
Introduction to Business
Accounting Practice
Algebra & Trigonometry
Computing Essential
Writing for Academic Purpose
Film & Arts Appreciation
Quantitative Methods
Office Application
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Year 1
Expository Writing
Introduction to Mass Communication
Visual Communication
Introduction to Internet Technologies
Study Skills & Employability
Basic Photography
Introduction to Public Speaking
Advance English Language & Communication Skills
Written Genres
Co-Operative Placement
↔Elective A (Choose Three)
Introduction to Advertising
Introduction to Journalism
Introduction to Public Relations
Introduction to Film Studies
↔Elective B (Choose One)
Introduction to Psychology 1
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Eastern Civilisation
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Political Science
Year 2
Media Writing Skills
Popular Culture
Design & Layout
Alternative Voices & Issues in Mass Communications
Co-Operative Placement 2
↔Elective A (Choose One)
Business Economics
Introduction to Management & Org Theory
Fundamentals of Marketing
Organizational Behavior
↔Elective B (Choose One)
Introduction to English Literature
World English
Advance English Language & Comm Skills
Grammar for Communication
ESP: Business Communication
Year 3 Compulsory
Mass Comm Research
Media, Law & Ethics
Seminar : Issues and Developments in Mass Media
Capstone of selected pathway
Co-Operative Placement 3
Major Elective
Choose One Pathway
↔Film & Television
Video Production 1
Video Production 2
Film Directing
Documentary Production
Screen Production
↔Marketing Communications
Integrated Marketing Communications
Consumer Behavior
Media Planning & Management
Advertising Campaign
Advance Media Writing
Feature Writing
Interactive Multimedia Authoring
Media Publishing
哦對對對。其實最讓我猶豫的,是UCSI的co-operative placement。很好的機會耶,而且是你讀哪科就做相關的工作。我遲遲不要去UTAR就是因為這個。放棄了真的很可惜!
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) Broadcasting @ UTAR PJ
Year 1
Communicative English
Broadcasting 1
Radio Broadcasting
Mass Media and Society
Introduction to Mass Communication
English for Mass Communication
Introduction to Advertising
Sun Tzi's Art of War and Business Strategies
Broadcasting II
↔Year 1 Electives (I)
Introduction to Chinese Language I
Introduction to Chinese Language II
Introduction to Chinese Language III
Introduction to Japanese
↔Year 1 Electives (II)
Malaysia: Cultural and Religious Practices
Introduction to Psychology
↔Year 1 Electives (III)
Fundamentals of Public Relations
Interpersonal Communication
Year 2
Communication Theories
Communication Research Methods
Multimedia Tools for Advertising
Media Planning
Screenplay and Scriptwriting
Communication Technology
Television Production I
Multimedia Design and Applications
Advertising Copywriting
International Advertising
Multimedia Broadcasting
Creative Strategy for Advertising
Year 3
Television Production II
Film Studies
Communication Law
Media Ethics
Public Speaking
Industrial Training
Broadcast Journalism
Film Appreciation, Criticism and Interpretation
B.A. (Hons.) - Mass Communication @ UCSI
Foundation Studies
Computing Studies
Introduction to Business
Accounting Practice
Algebra & Trigonometry
Computing Essential
Writing for Academic Purpose
Film & Arts Appreciation
Quantitative Methods
Office Application
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Year 1
Expository Writing
Introduction to Mass Communication
Visual Communication
Introduction to Internet Technologies
Study Skills & Employability
Basic Photography
Introduction to Public Speaking
Advance English Language & Communication Skills
Written Genres
Co-Operative Placement
↔Elective A (Choose Three)
Introduction to Advertising
Introduction to Journalism
Introduction to Public Relations
Introduction to Film Studies
↔Elective B (Choose One)
Introduction to Psychology 1
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Eastern Civilisation
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Political Science
Year 2
Media Writing Skills
Popular Culture
Design & Layout
Alternative Voices & Issues in Mass Communications
Co-Operative Placement 2
↔Elective A (Choose One)
Business Economics
Introduction to Management & Org Theory
Fundamentals of Marketing
Organizational Behavior
↔Elective B (Choose One)
Introduction to English Literature
World English
Advance English Language & Comm Skills
Grammar for Communication
ESP: Business Communication
Year 3 Compulsory
Mass Comm Research
Media, Law & Ethics
Seminar : Issues and Developments in Mass Media
Capstone of selected pathway
Co-Operative Placement 3
Major Elective
Choose One Pathway
↔Film & Television
Video Production 1
Video Production 2
Film Directing
Documentary Production
Screen Production
↔Marketing Communications
Integrated Marketing Communications
Consumer Behavior
Media Planning & Management
Advertising Campaign
Advance Media Writing
Feature Writing
Interactive Multimedia Authoring
Media Publishing
哦對對對。其實最讓我猶豫的,是UCSI的co-operative placement。很好的機會耶,而且是你讀哪科就做相關的工作。我遲遲不要去UTAR就是因為這個。放棄了真的很可惜!
Friday, March 5, 2010
1 一個都不留
2 渦蟲
3 午夜廚房
4 六宅一生
5 白城魔鬼:奇蹟與謀殺交織的博覽會
6 背對背活下去
7 怪物們的晚宴
8 愛情,真相大白:酪梨壽司的東京人妻日記
9 石像怪獸
10 盜魂者
11 四小折一點都不宅!?
12 TRENDY偶像誌 No.5 SS501台灣首場演唱會特輯
13 一輩子的戀愛
14 彎家有娘初長成
我買的書一部分是我一直以來都想買卻苦無機會的書,一部分是參考他人的閱讀筆記,好啦也不過是酪梨壽司的筆記。渦蟲、六宅一生和怪物們的晚宴都是日本文學。想說看看。當然我是不可能看純文學著作。書到3天,一半的書都讓我看了。 紅色標記的是我看了的書。渦蟲看到一半,但是對我來說不太有趣,也許是時間不對,長大一些再看總會有不同想法。是一些社會女性的小故事。
《午夜廚房》我從前就在草莓夫人那兒看過了,只是我就是想收集。我真的超喜歡那些故事。要的人可以進去看看幾篇。我個人推薦《美味的復仇》、《模范員工》、《午夜廚房》和《蒐集者》。 都是日常生活,有些甚至是社會新聞,從而牽出來的恐怖短篇故事,殺人,也有殺得很徹底的。XD 尤其是模范員工,簡直是打工一族面對澳客的內心狂想曲。美味的復仇前半段很好吃。
《六宅一生》,怎么說呢,說的都是在社會里茍且偷生,人生沒那么順利,性格也不太強的那一類人。但是內容很煽情……好吧是色情,而且絕對不是言情小說那種淺淺的程度。看這本書的時候千萬不要讓父母發現啊。哦對了,我看到書外圍著的宣傳紙上寫著『蘇打綠 青峰』推薦。我正想問,蘇打綠唱歌還是賣書啊?怎么我老是看到蘇打綠推薦的書本?
《彎家有娘初長成》會買下來其實是誤解。XD 我原本以為是彎彎繼那個什么鐵飯碗之后的新作,看也不看就買了。結果回來一看,都是文字!只是有一些插圖!原來是彎娘寫的書!XDXD 也蠻有趣啦。都是一些母親心得和彎娘的迷糊事!我說彎娘實在是迷糊得沒人有!XD
2 渦蟲
3 午夜廚房
4 六宅一生
5 白城魔鬼:奇蹟與謀殺交織的博覽會
6 背對背活下去
7 怪物們的晚宴
8 愛情,真相大白:酪梨壽司的東京人妻日記
9 石像怪獸
10 盜魂者
11 四小折一點都不宅!?
12 TRENDY偶像誌 No.5 SS501台灣首場演唱會特輯
13 一輩子的戀愛
14 彎家有娘初長成
我買的書一部分是我一直以來都想買卻苦無機會的書,一部分是參考他人的閱讀筆記,好啦也不過是酪梨壽司的筆記。渦蟲、六宅一生和怪物們的晚宴都是日本文學。想說看看。當然我是不可能看純文學著作。書到3天,一半的書都讓我看了。 紅色標記的是我看了的書。渦蟲看到一半,但是對我來說不太有趣,也許是時間不對,長大一些再看總會有不同想法。是一些社會女性的小故事。
《午夜廚房》我從前就在草莓夫人那兒看過了,只是我就是想收集。我真的超喜歡那些故事。要的人可以進去看看幾篇。我個人推薦《美味的復仇》、《模范員工》、《午夜廚房》和《蒐集者》。 都是日常生活,有些甚至是社會新聞,從而牽出來的恐怖短篇故事,殺人,也有殺得很徹底的。XD 尤其是模范員工,簡直是打工一族面對澳客的內心狂想曲。美味的復仇前半段很好吃。
《六宅一生》,怎么說呢,說的都是在社會里茍且偷生,人生沒那么順利,性格也不太強的那一類人。但是內容很煽情……好吧是色情,而且絕對不是言情小說那種淺淺的程度。看這本書的時候千萬不要讓父母發現啊。哦對了,我看到書外圍著的宣傳紙上寫著『蘇打綠 青峰』推薦。我正想問,蘇打綠唱歌還是賣書啊?怎么我老是看到蘇打綠推薦的書本?
《彎家有娘初長成》會買下來其實是誤解。XD 我原本以為是彎彎繼那個什么鐵飯碗之后的新作,看也不看就買了。結果回來一看,都是文字!只是有一些插圖!原來是彎娘寫的書!XDXD 也蠻有趣啦。都是一些母親心得和彎娘的迷糊事!我說彎娘實在是迷糊得沒人有!XD
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Samsung S8003 Jet
還沒換手機前研究了很多架不同牌子的手機。經過十多架篩選至6、7架,再選出最接近我要求的,真是困難重重。星期日終于下定決心換手機了。目標:Samsung Jet。大馬發行的型號是S8003。 跟臺灣和南韓不大一樣,害我買的時候整個失望一下。由于我很擔心是中國貨,所以一直問這批貨是直接韓國入口還是中國廠商進口。那些人都告訴我samsung沒有中國廠,全部韓國進口。問他label他說沒有,只有一個“made by samsung”印在機身里。雖然這讓我極度懷疑他話里的真實性,不過人家都這么說了想怎樣?
新手機連盒子都比其他有質感,黑色盒子摸上去整個就是華麗的感覺。然后據說這家手機就是在Haptic Mission里面被馬賽克的手機。(沒錯,就是被賢重取名“月光”被孫丹菲取名“Twilight”的那架XD)韓國的型號是《Haptic Amoled》,臺灣發行的型號是《S8000 Jet》,而馬來西亞發行的正是《S8003 Jet》。至于為什么三星公司取一個這樣的怪名,至今仍是一個謎。
其中一個功能是魔術方塊,輕輕轉動到你要的功能點進去就可以了。很好玩。XD S8003 反應很靈敏,看video或圖片集,只要稍微轉過來橫放,他就會轉成ull screen。反應太靈敏的弊端就是,我往下滑尋找要的文件總是會轉過頭。也太滑溜了吧?!XDXD 手寫方面我沒有嘗試,因為我沒有觸控筆!(怒)用手指那我倒不如按鍵盤,干嘛手寫,很難寫誒。
影片播放方面實在是很好,很清晰,連字幕都看得一清二楚。可是每當我一轉到全螢幕的時候,影片播放就不太順暢,沒有轉full screen就不會有這樣的問題。所以我絕對要帶回去投訴!
新手機連盒子都比其他有質感,黑色盒子摸上去整個就是華麗的感覺。然后據說這家手機就是在Haptic Mission里面被馬賽克的手機。(沒錯,就是被賢重取名“月光”被孫丹菲取名“Twilight”的那架XD)韓國的型號是《Haptic Amoled》,臺灣發行的型號是《S8000 Jet》,而馬來西亞發行的正是《S8003 Jet》。至于為什么三星公司取一個這樣的怪名,至今仍是一個謎。
其中一個功能是魔術方塊,輕輕轉動到你要的功能點進去就可以了。很好玩。XD S8003 反應很靈敏,看video或圖片集,只要稍微轉過來橫放,他就會轉成ull screen。反應太靈敏的弊端就是,我往下滑尋找要的文件總是會轉過頭。也太滑溜了吧?!XDXD 手寫方面我沒有嘗試,因為我沒有觸控筆!(怒)用手指那我倒不如按鍵盤,干嘛手寫,很難寫誒。
影片播放方面實在是很好,很清晰,連字幕都看得一清二楚。可是每當我一轉到全螢幕的時候,影片播放就不太順暢,沒有轉full screen就不會有這樣的問題。所以我絕對要帶回去投訴!
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