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Monday, August 1, 2011

Bad Day

Today just ain't my day. I cannot concentrate on my study, as usual. All I did was taking notes in and out, go look at myself in front of the mirror and play die. Stupid enough. *Very obvious the photo I took it myself la* The whole time I was just sitting there head down facing the desk like this = = What a waste of time. See even got time for manicure. This semester I was being such good and healthy girl, never put on any colour on my nails. Too busy to put them back on after the breathing period. Lol.  

Even go and press my pimple on forehead. Something yellowish squeezed out! Eeeeeeeee! ←Never squeeze acne before = = 

I don't understand why people just assume it's very easy for me to do my studies. I'm not sure if I looked too relax or what but people just.. "wow easy for you" "you look chill". Oh man I don't know, now do I? >:( I also get depressed! Tho I don't look any like hard-working type of person. Parents are like that, outsiders are like that. Their way of thinking is just "aiya easy for you to handle several things together". Now you are me or I'm I?  I don't know it's printed on my face or what. I look relax? WHAT SHIT. Then they would expect very high from me. *roll eyes again* 

Happily went home at 5pm, open my tumblr and reminded me of Pottermore! I checked the site several times in the morning and it always shows "Day 1 registration closed". *roll eyes* I probably should check the time zone. Anyway the registration started but traffic problem, as expected. 

I got so excited when I finally got in. So fun :) No need much time to get the answer. Potterheads know this is near the end in CoS. Found it in Chapter 14 :) Type the answer and it leads me to another site to find the magical quill. 

 Magical quill found and I was about to bounce around to tell the whole village already. 

So delighted seeing this. Ahahahahahah so much fun. 

Until here. THEN I ACCIDENTLY CLOSED THE PAGE! :( AHHHH JUST ONE STEP AWAY! The moment I hit wrongly I was like "Wait... Isn't that... *window closed* FUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Shit happens :'( That's why people fear of getting too excited. You know once you get too happy something bad eventually comes. 

Haih so sad no mood for anything. What a tragic. The entire process my reactions are like *annoyed*>*ow smth good*>excited>*omg yes yes*>*Oh no. Shit!*>*FUUUUUUUUUUUU*

I used to update my blog at least once a week. Since June I don't have time for anything in blog. OMG. Will slowly back to track, if no work come to me la. 

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