前几天爸爸跟婆婆通电话闲聊,说到有一个三岁大的马来小男孩被生母弃在大姑的油棕园,到第二天才被循例去察看油棕园的姑丈发现。O.O 他们问我爸要不要养,哈我爸养我们三个就嫌烦死了怎么可能自找麻烦。而且各种领养手续不是开玩笑的,我爸这种没耐性的人怎么可能~
不过对于这件弃儿事件还是有点震惊啦。不是因为抛弃亲生儿子,这种事情天天发生,新闻一个星期少说也有一则吧。可是……我婆婆和大姑住的地方可算是乡下耶~[[最近有在发展新店啦可是乡下还是乡下]] 众所周知,乡下空气好一点晚上的气候也比都市凉一点。所以说,郊区晚上本来就很荒凉了,住在婆婆家的住宅区到了晚上更是冷得只开风扇都会颤抖,更何况油·棕·园!!! 一整个冷冽啊!! 没有冻死还有本事哭到天亮老子深深感叹生命的伟大!!! 孩子,生命是会找到出路的,主与你同在~~~~~~~ 不过孩子,嫩的肺活量好强大……
其实我听我爸说完过后只默默说了一句,『我记得他们说过那里油棕园有老虎出没吧……』。我爸沉默了一会,『还有蛇……』。生命果然会找到出路~ 阿弥陀佛~ 总之孩子被送到警局,由他婆婆还是外婆来接回去了~ 所以说心理和经济没有准备好的话,还是买品质好一点的保险套别闹出人命啊~
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
有些人偏爱清洁工作,譬如刷锅子洗碗;有些人恨透清洁工作却钟情于收纳工作。说实在,虽然我很懒惰,对清洁工作也爱理不理,毕竟家事这种工作是最先受不了的人在做的XD;但是收纳算是我比较喜欢做的家事。由于我爱分类归类和排列的怪癖,收纳整理是我做的比较愉快、情愿、不带抱怨的工作。而且一做起来就不亦乐乎,可以玩上几个小时。我深深觉得,小学当班长在我身上最大的影响就是『秩序维持』这件事。不单只是对于人的那一方面,东西也是这样。我看到别人在本应肃静的地方喧哗我会有说不出的嫌恶和不痛快;当然在本来吵闹的地方就免了……[[因为自己有时候也是很不害臊地大声吵闹大笑= =]] 也许就是因为这种深埋在我体内的种子,对于物品也要求秩序[[真是病入膏肓]],将东西收纳整齐,看了不但觉得神清气爽,还有说不完的满足感。虽然我还没进阶到用小盒子收纳的地步,因为我的东西都够力大啊~装个P!! 小样到可以装起来的东西,大概都在我桌上了,我有各式各样的杯子把他们收好X)
说实话,这盒里的东西我很少会用 = =
每次来大扫除,说实在我根本没什么心思去做清洁工作,都马虎了事。我解读的大扫除是『整理和收纳』!!! [[眼冒爱心]] 我每次都会花很长时间来整理。毕竟这种杂物也是讲究心情的XD 天时地利人和是非常重要的,详情不要问我请自行参阅孙子兵法XD 今天被老爸踢回家打扫房子,我很高兴,因为我终于要来好好整理我的橱了!! 我堆积在客厅的各种纸张表格讲义课本包包已经快被灰尘和头发掩埋了。说到被头发掩埋,留长发最烦就是这点啊,三千烦恼丝随意飘散在家里每个角落,不但看得烦还剩灰尘!!! 老子又想念我的短发boy boy头了 = = 呃咳,离题了…… 前几天虽然整理了一大叠书和讲义带回房间,可是也是堆在房间一角还没仔细整理,更别提原本就坐在我桌子上的书和文件夹等等等。
厚厚,我午饭也没吃就进入归类模式,高兴到眼睛发亮啊~ 本来想说,整理好就去煮面吃~ 结果弄完都快四点了。折衣整理衣橱吸尘拖地后都五点多了[[囧]] 于是我坐等晚餐[[笑嘻嘻]] 本来不是没有位放小说了吗,我硬是挪出一排空位来了,要善用每一个小空间啊~
把各种发票收据信件分类好然后用信封装起来隔开,有空再核对,如果想要= =
要把包包清空收起来时翻出一堆票根= = 老子把8个各种谜样的包包塞进一小格空间啊!!! 八个啊!!! 请佩服我折叠、善用空间和收纳的能力吧!! 我都快疯了~
翻出一堆奖杯。占空间又生灰尘,可是我就是不丢 = = 人家有收集战利品的习惯嘛[[扭]]
照年份分类,发现五年级是我的全盛时期!! 六个奖杯[[还有一个高的在我桌子上当蜘蛛网的架Orz]]
就是这个,哇哈哈哈哈优秀学生,而且居然还是众优秀学生中最高分的。现在想起来都笑死了!! 这就是孔融故事里所谓的『小时了了大未必佳』啊~
完全是放在我桌上生灰尘而已啊 = =
拖完地最好就是在空荡荡的地板躺下来瘫着偷懒~ 可以像海星一样摇晃手脚~ 凉快啊啊啊[[享受貌]]
说实话,这盒里的东西我很少会用 = =
每次来大扫除,说实在我根本没什么心思去做清洁工作,都马虎了事。我解读的大扫除是『整理和收纳』!!! [[眼冒爱心]] 我每次都会花很长时间来整理。毕竟这种杂物也是讲究心情的XD 天时地利人和是非常重要的,详情不要问我请自行参阅孙子兵法XD 今天被老爸踢回家打扫房子,我很高兴,因为我终于要来好好整理我的橱了!! 我堆积在客厅的各种纸张表格讲义课本包包已经快被灰尘和头发掩埋了。说到被头发掩埋,留长发最烦就是这点啊,三千烦恼丝随意飘散在家里每个角落,不但看得烦还剩灰尘!!! 老子又想念我的短发boy boy头了 = = 呃咳,离题了…… 前几天虽然整理了一大叠书和讲义带回房间,可是也是堆在房间一角还没仔细整理,更别提原本就坐在我桌子上的书和文件夹等等等。
厚厚,我午饭也没吃就进入归类模式,高兴到眼睛发亮啊~ 本来想说,整理好就去煮面吃~ 结果弄完都快四点了。折衣整理衣橱吸尘拖地后都五点多了[[囧]] 于是我坐等晚餐[[笑嘻嘻]] 本来不是没有位放小说了吗,我硬是挪出一排空位来了,要善用每一个小空间啊~
把各种发票收据信件分类好然后用信封装起来隔开,有空再核对,如果想要= =
没有收到很仔细,管他的了 = =
要把包包清空收起来时翻出一堆票根= = 老子把8个各种谜样的包包塞进一小格空间啊!!! 八个啊!!! 请佩服我折叠、善用空间和收纳的能力吧!! 我都快疯了~
照年份分类,发现五年级是我的全盛时期!! 六个奖杯[[还有一个高的在我桌子上当蜘蛛网的架Orz]]
就是这个,哇哈哈哈哈优秀学生,而且居然还是众优秀学生中最高分的。现在想起来都笑死了!! 这就是孔融故事里所谓的『小时了了大未必佳』啊~
完全是放在我桌上生灰尘而已啊 = =
501的各种迷你专辑、DVD和应援物。其实还有很多没有拍 = = 不过算了吧。
拖完地最好就是在空荡荡的地板躺下来瘫着偷懒~ 可以像海星一样摇晃手脚~ 凉快啊啊啊[[享受貌]]
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
38 gang gathering - farewell for TX & YH
I think I'm getting a sore throat. Well let's get started. My long story heheheheheheheh. Something short could get extremely long when it comes to my hand. Especially when I type in Chinese. xD
10am done breakfast back to shop and waiting time to pass then go out. Text Kian Heng before out to find out at which school gate to meet, but instead found out he already reached! o.o We said 10:30am and that was like... 10:15? Lol and I was still waiting time to pass! Lolololololol. Hurry out. He probably was worried that I didn't eat breakfast so go and buy me bread and Vitagen(less sugar). Thanks! So smart know to buy less sugar one ah. xD Diet is a lady's lifelong effort! Ahahahahah *serious* Through our conversation also, I found out Mr. Lee Kian Heng is actually a HUGE STALKER! Macam seldom online/comment and all, but he knows I recently go out a lot with Holeen, Joe Hahn and Chun How! (Can actually tell the names weh!) OMG. One day if I'm missing you may be able to find me also ahahahahahahahahah.[By the way the bread is still in my bag ahahahahah]
We went to occupy a table at McDonald to prepare our little surprise for Tze Xin and Yi Heng, which turned out to be successful; before they arrive. :D Cutting papers and glue-ing photos while waiting for the others' piece of letters. Might have a little imperfection in my design but overall is great piece of work. At least doesn't look anything too much like junk. Ahahah. Hooi Chuing took the responsibility to keep Tze Xin away from our mystery gift while we were working on it.
We gathered in front of Greenbox near 11:30am. And that's where our lucky and happy adventure starts! Oh yeah, when Hooi Chuing and Tze Xin walked towards us from far away, Yi Heng said HC dressed like middle-aged. Lolololololololololol. *I hope she doesn't see this ahahah* Don't spread the link please. Lol. He also said sure they haven't book but it turns out, they booked! Ahahahahah wrong judgement. We get a chance for lucky draw and Hooi Chuing draw for us. She grabbed one ping-pong but it slipped away so she had to grab hold of another one. When she took out, the staff congratulated us, WE GOT THE GRAND PRIZE WHICH MEAN FREE OF CHARGE FOR ALL SERVICES! :D OMG SO LUCKY RIGHT?! Free singing time, free lunch, free drinks! It's a total of RM138 but we need not pay a single cent for it! Sooo happy and excited. Hooi Chuing screamed out of happiness eventually. A few of them were still asking me what happened. Then the staff took a group photo for all of us with the golden ball of grand prize. xD Hmmm will I see our photo pasted there when I go next time? Heheheheheheh.
They brought us to room 51. Hmmm it's like the same room we went last time. Probably not. Not so sure. The staff took the list of menu in, and Hooi Chuing ordered food. When the staff leaving, Yi Heng said "but the rest of us haven't order", it eventually beaten by HC's response immediately. "I ORDERED CHICKEN CHOP SAME FOR ALL, MOST EXPENSIVE ONE". AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I LAUGHED UNTIL CANNOT SIT PROPERLY ON THE SOFA! What more funnier is no objection at all then. XD Kian Heng then asked me to go outside the room. We were squatting outside the room to bind the little booklet together so later we could present it as surprise. He said I look angry. = = No I didn't. Does it means my face look no nice :( Heheheheh. To conceal what we were doing outside in case they asked, we went and took drinks for everyone. Smart right? xD It absolutely doesn't mean I'm good at looking for various explanations. Lol. I swear I never do anything bad. *innocent eyes* I must say, I never like to eat when I go to sing. One couldn't eat and sing at the same time. So what happens is we sing then eat then sing then eat again. Food went cold = = Anyway Kian Heng doesn't have such problem. HE'S NOT SINGING EVEN ONE SONG. = = Like... what kind of people go to karaoke box to eat lunch! = =
Our crazy 38 gang style is, choose songs until the list is all full one. English songs, especially Lady Gaga's belong to Hze Hou; Korean songs are we girls and Yi Heng's; Chinese song, old one are mine, latest one are by HC and Xin Yu. Majority like that la. A lot of Chinese songs, especially recent ones, I actually don't know what is it when I see the title but I know how to sing when the song plays! Thanks a lot to radio fm lol. So in the end most of the time I was holding the mike and can sing along with them. Tak ada mike also nvm I still will sing loudly no worries. Lol. Korean songs me, English songs me, Chinese songs also me. Ahahahahahah. Often when I came back from singing with them, I start downloading those nice songs I could recall. XD
I love singing with them not only we all are crazy enough, we also crazy in the same tune and frequency, nyeheheheheheh. I never need to worry anything about being out of tune, broken voice, or unreachable high pitch. Cz we often do this, especially after we sang a lot of songs. :D Oh and they often shout these, "Oii skip skip! Skip this one!"; "Jump to this song first"; "Wui it's my song liao why you jump!"; "who's song is this?"; and the unforgettable "THIS IS MY SONG! WHERE'S THE MIKE?! PASS ME THE MIKE!". Ahahahahahahah like a boss, so much fun. Crazy bunch of people wey. *laugh* We specially picked Nicholas Teo's songs so KH could sing but this person horr, die die also doesn't want to sing. Hmm probably got gold inside his throat. xD In the last hour I was like having a marathon singing, cz I know how to sing all the songs and nobody seems wanting to get the mike. Marathon of Wonder Girl's songs and F.I.R. OMG great challenge to sing FIR songs. Don't pick so much of their songs when go karaoke. No energy for the rest. XD Oh and we were laughing too much. So it was like, sing-drag-pause-laugh-pant-sing-laugh-pant-sing-shout. Lol. Took photo again before we leave :) Had a very good luck in Greenbox today and mood is still high!
Then we move somewhere else. Hze Hou was very desired to go Starbucks, since we DIDN'T SPEND ANY MONEY IN GREENBOX TODAY. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Anyway for economic purpose we went to Old Town. Talk about almost everything there. Most content will be kept private. XD Everybody was so worried about Tze Xin going China alone. Then all of us starting to talked about pollutions, poisons, fake foods, and all in China. Ehem, Tze Xin I hope you're not too fearful to go there after we talked this much. Ahahahahahhahahahah *laugh die* we were like frightening her. Move everything from Malaysia to China, small from food, big to house and air around her. xD Oh and the land to plant your own vegetables ahahahah to avoid poisoned food and land pollutions. XDDDD Okay stop laughing, *take deep breathe*, *broke out laughter again*. Lol and the whole time we were like this!
Arnd 4:30pm (or 4pm?), I hint KH to give them the surprise! :D They looked delighted! :) Okay effort not in vain. So glad they like it. I think it really gave them a shock when they see their own photos on the booklet's cover page! Ahahahah. They looked through it and we passed it around to sign on the last empty page. Oh they all love my signature. Lol I thought what happened when they suddenly gasped and slightly cheered when I sign. We put our group photo at the last page of the booklet. All memories we had flashed back. OMG. :')
Then we started our mad photography session. I think we are disturbing other customers. Lol who cares I'm not going there often, they're not going to recognise me the next time I go there.
We actually smiled and laughed until our cheeks hurt! Eh seriously I laughed until my ribcage aches weh!!! Too much laughing with these people. Our happy gathering ends by...... shopping things we want to buy at Jusco. xD Oh long queue o.o Many people in Jusco.
Bye Tze Xin and Yi Heng. Wish you all the best in your studies and life overseas. I love you all ♥
10am done breakfast back to shop and waiting time to pass then go out. Text Kian Heng before out to find out at which school gate to meet, but instead found out he already reached! o.o We said 10:30am and that was like... 10:15? Lol and I was still waiting time to pass! Lolololololol. Hurry out. He probably was worried that I didn't eat breakfast so go and buy me bread and Vitagen(less sugar). Thanks! So smart know to buy less sugar one ah. xD Diet is a lady's lifelong effort! Ahahahahah *serious* Through our conversation also, I found out Mr. Lee Kian Heng is actually a HUGE STALKER! Macam seldom online/comment and all, but he knows I recently go out a lot with Holeen, Joe Hahn and Chun How! (Can actually tell the names weh!) OMG. One day if I'm missing you may be able to find me also ahahahahahahahahah.[By the way the bread is still in my bag ahahahahah]
We went to occupy a table at McDonald to prepare our little surprise for Tze Xin and Yi Heng, which turned out to be successful; before they arrive. :D Cutting papers and glue-ing photos while waiting for the others' piece of letters. Might have a little imperfection in my design but overall is great piece of work. At least doesn't look anything too much like junk. Ahahah. Hooi Chuing took the responsibility to keep Tze Xin away from our mystery gift while we were working on it.
We gathered in front of Greenbox near 11:30am. And that's where our lucky and happy adventure starts! Oh yeah, when Hooi Chuing and Tze Xin walked towards us from far away, Yi Heng said HC dressed like middle-aged. Lolololololololololol. *I hope she doesn't see this ahahah* Don't spread the link please. Lol. He also said sure they haven't book but it turns out, they booked! Ahahahahah wrong judgement. We get a chance for lucky draw and Hooi Chuing draw for us. She grabbed one ping-pong but it slipped away so she had to grab hold of another one. When she took out, the staff congratulated us, WE GOT THE GRAND PRIZE WHICH MEAN FREE OF CHARGE FOR ALL SERVICES! :D OMG SO LUCKY RIGHT?! Free singing time, free lunch, free drinks! It's a total of RM138 but we need not pay a single cent for it! Sooo happy and excited. Hooi Chuing screamed out of happiness eventually. A few of them were still asking me what happened. Then the staff took a group photo for all of us with the golden ball of grand prize. xD Hmmm will I see our photo pasted there when I go next time? Heheheheheheh.
![]() |
SEE THE RM0.00 SO BIG!!! Seeing it also happy enough ahahahahah. |
Our crazy 38 gang style is, choose songs until the list is all full one. English songs, especially Lady Gaga's belong to Hze Hou; Korean songs are we girls and Yi Heng's; Chinese song, old one are mine, latest one are by HC and Xin Yu. Majority like that la. A lot of Chinese songs, especially recent ones, I actually don't know what is it when I see the title but I know how to sing when the song plays! Thanks a lot to radio fm lol. So in the end most of the time I was holding the mike and can sing along with them. Tak ada mike also nvm I still will sing loudly no worries. Lol. Korean songs me, English songs me, Chinese songs also me. Ahahahahahah. Often when I came back from singing with them, I start downloading those nice songs I could recall. XD
I love singing with them not only we all are crazy enough, we also crazy in the same tune and frequency, nyeheheheheheh. I never need to worry anything about being out of tune, broken voice, or unreachable high pitch. Cz we often do this, especially after we sang a lot of songs. :D Oh and they often shout these, "Oii skip skip! Skip this one!"; "Jump to this song first"; "Wui it's my song liao why you jump!"; "who's song is this?"; and the unforgettable "THIS IS MY SONG! WHERE'S THE MIKE?! PASS ME THE MIKE!". Ahahahahahahah like a boss, so much fun. Crazy bunch of people wey. *laugh* We specially picked Nicholas Teo's songs so KH could sing but this person horr, die die also doesn't want to sing. Hmm probably got gold inside his throat. xD In the last hour I was like having a marathon singing, cz I know how to sing all the songs and nobody seems wanting to get the mike. Marathon of Wonder Girl's songs and F.I.R. OMG great challenge to sing FIR songs. Don't pick so much of their songs when go karaoke. No energy for the rest. XD Oh and we were laughing too much. So it was like, sing-drag-pause-laugh-pant-sing-laugh-pant-sing-shout. Lol. Took photo again before we leave :) Had a very good luck in Greenbox today and mood is still high!
Then we move somewhere else. Hze Hou was very desired to go Starbucks, since we DIDN'T SPEND ANY MONEY IN GREENBOX TODAY. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Anyway for economic purpose we went to Old Town. Talk about almost everything there. Most content will be kept private. XD Everybody was so worried about Tze Xin going China alone. Then all of us starting to talked about pollutions, poisons, fake foods, and all in China. Ehem, Tze Xin I hope you're not too fearful to go there after we talked this much. Ahahahahahhahahahah *laugh die* we were like frightening her. Move everything from Malaysia to China, small from food, big to house and air around her. xD Oh and the land to plant your own vegetables ahahahah to avoid poisoned food and land pollutions. XDDDD Okay stop laughing, *take deep breathe*, *broke out laughter again*. Lol and the whole time we were like this!
Arnd 4:30pm (or 4pm?), I hint KH to give them the surprise! :D They looked delighted! :) Okay effort not in vain. So glad they like it. I think it really gave them a shock when they see their own photos on the booklet's cover page! Ahahahah. They looked through it and we passed it around to sign on the last empty page. Oh they all love my signature. Lol I thought what happened when they suddenly gasped and slightly cheered when I sign. We put our group photo at the last page of the booklet. All memories we had flashed back. OMG. :')
![]() |
Can you guess which is mine signature? :D |
Remember back in those days when YH call me Xiao Wen? OMG suddenly all the memory flashed back when he called me xiao wen today! :')
Then we started our mad photography session. I think we are disturbing other customers. Lol who cares I'm not going there often, they're not going to recognise me the next time I go there.
Fuiseh long time no see all HANDSOME-HANDSOME belaka liao. Yi Heng slim a lot!
Lol YHH is indeed a great poser. Lots of nice expression to shot! I feel like taking all photo of him laughing weh!
Lol we could be great partners in photo shooting. Not afraid of doing all stupid faces and poses. xD
We actually smiled and laughed until our cheeks hurt! Eh seriously I laughed until my ribcage aches weh!!! Too much laughing with these people. Our happy gathering ends by...... shopping things we want to buy at Jusco. xD Oh long queue o.o Many people in Jusco.
Bye Tze Xin and Yi Heng. Wish you all the best in your studies and life overseas. I love you all ♥
Saturday, August 20, 2011
[公告] 更换标签
我最近都忙着归类归类归类。怎么我越长大,强迫归类的症头就越严重的样子/.\ 学期终于结束,我把desktop上的assignment folder打开来,开始把最后完成的版本收进我的学术档案,其余的都删掉。清干净后感觉很爽。Lecture notes 等等课本、参考书全部收好归类好拿上楼,要收起来了♥ 哎呦我好喜欢做归类的工作♥
我最近都忙着归类归类归类。怎么我越长大,强迫归类的症头就越严重的样子/.\ 学期终于结束,我把desktop上的assignment folder打开来,开始把最后完成的版本收进我的学术档案,其余的都删掉。清干净后感觉很爽。Lecture notes 等等课本、参考书全部收好归类好拿上楼,要收起来了♥ 哎呦我好喜欢做归类的工作♥
Friday, August 19, 2011
哈利波特看完这么久我终于找到心情来详说之了。说实话我不是没有在心里挣扎过啊!!! 毕竟每次一上映不到一个星期我就跑去戏院看了。可是这次是最后一集了!!! :( 我知道我看完一定会很空虚。毕竟我这个人沉闷无聊除了哈利波特能让我期待的事情真的是一个稀有罕见的程度啊。我连我家五个男人的专辑都没这么期待啊[[糟糕讲出真心话==]] 最后还是抵不过,管考试assignment什么的去死,哈利波特最大!! 考试温书什么的先看了戏再说。
一开始的时候整个很亢奋坐不住等不及结果后来很轰轰烈烈地在戏院哭红了眼睛,老子出戏院的时候几乎都不敢抬头。明明书都看了几百遍对白都快倒背如流了,一场戏还是让我在戏院里哭了好几次。谢天谢地我前后左右都没有人做,最靠近我的人坐跟我同一排最右边而我坐在最左侧[中间那一排]。听到不远处传来哭声,我更是完全不保留哭得一个叫稀里哗啦,反正丢脸的不止我一个,干嘛压抑自己,尼玛哽咽吞眼泪很辛苦好不好。而且我要说……我发现很多人跟我都有同样的哭点好不好!!! 这哪是我的问题!!! 这是哈利波特迷才能感受到的感动啊!!!! [[证据]] 切~!!!
有一幕是石内卜[[看了英文的都快想不起中译版的名了]]Snape深夜召集学生地毯式搜索哈利,哈利从人群中走出来指责他对邓布利多不忠,然后凤凰会(TOoP)的人都从大门闯进来站在哈利身后的时候我就觉得眼球后好像有热刀戳着般心里酸酸的[酝酿着情绪了有木有Orz]。不过人家书里明明就没有这一幕!!! 大家都无条件信任并支持他,很动容啊。接下来有一幕是佛地魔(Voldemort) 对霍格华兹校园喊话要他们交出哈利保平安,史莱哲林(Slytherin)的帕金森(Pansy Parkinson)[[我记得书上是这么写可是电影里的叫什么名我真的不懂]]指着哈利要人抓住他的时候,大家不是都站到哈利前面了嘛,我眼睛都湿了。可是飞七(Filch)管理员一出现就害我笑倒破功了。麦教授(McGonagall)不是都不说人坏话的么?这下居然还当面指责他是白痴XDD
麦教授施法让石像武士下来保卫Hogwarts的时候我真的眼泪啪嗒啪嗒掉个不停,真的开战了啊[[打仗的明明又不是我 = =]] 可是接着麦教授很有喜感地像小女孩一样兴奋说着『我一直想用这个咒语』我就笑翻了。真是又哭又笑黄狗撒尿。后来看到巫师们向天空发射保护罩,保护罩紧密地连在一起保护霍格华兹,老子又华丽丽地哭了。大家都誓死保护自己最珍贵的东西、保护这个最多回忆、就像家一样的校园。那种等着灾难来临的紧张恐惧感但是同时又温暖坚定而强大的力量,终归来去还是爱啊。[[俺啥时候学到邓布利多那一套了= =]] 哎老子都快哭得缺水了。可是奈威(Neville)迎接由狼人灰背带领的食死人(Death eaters)的那一边真的让我忍不住微笑哈X) 保护罩崩裂食死人开始闯入校园那部分我真看得很脆弱,随便一点都会哭。打仗啊打仗!!! 我从来没有看过哪一部动作片能掉这么多眼泪的啊。夭寿平时怎样都不哭看戏的时候就哭到不会停。我的眼泪一定是只设定在看戏的时候才会掉的吧= =
佛地魔在湖中心的小屋召见石内卜的时候[[明明应该是在尖叫屋才对]],那段对话其实我很烦。为什么还不杀死石内卜~我要看他跟哈利的互动,不要看你个没鼻子的佛地魔[[真邪恶]] 石内卜眼含着泪让哈利把他的眼泪拿去那一幕真是痛苦啊~我是说石内卜看起来很痛苦又凄凉不是我看得很痛苦。最后说完『你有你母亲的眼睛』就死了,真是……嗷!! 鼻酸啊!!! 中场休息[[不要怀疑打仗当然也有中场休息]],哈利三人回到校园看到横尸遍野。吼厚!! 看到菲雷(Fred)、路平(Lupin)和东施(Tonks)的尸体……真的尼玛想不哭都很难啊!!! 尤其是Fred那只淘气宝啊!! T____T 有没有搞错,一部电影要耗掉我多少纸巾啊。
登登登登,重点来了。哈利一个人去校长室拿出储思盆(Pensieve),把Snape的眼泪(记忆)倒进去,看到了石内卜知道的所有事。儿时的Snape和Lily躺在树下聊天那一幕我真的很喜欢很喜欢,太温馨了。记忆里包括邓布利多告诉石内卜哈利必须死佛地魔才能死的对话[[这一部分我已经憋尿得快疯飞去厕所了,所以我依据记忆讲出来的是看了两次加起来的印象]]。老子一从厕所回来就看到了石内卜唤出护法咒(patronus charm)的那一幕,眼泪又华丽丽地撒满了一地。爱至深连护法的形体都为之改变啊,就跟东施一样(电影里应该没有着重过东施的部分)。接下来是重点的重点!!! 佛地魔消失的那一夜,石内卜有些担忧/战战兢兢地进入波特家,看到詹姆士的遗体后,脸色难看地扶着墙进入卧房…… 石内卜抱着哈利死去的母亲,莉莉痛心疾首那一幕……老子简直是跟着泣不成声啊。还有那一句经典的『Always.』不要说为之动容啊老子简直是为之伤心欲绝啊。
最后哈利了解真相知道他是最后一个分灵体(horcrux),打算进入禁忌森林去面对佛地魔前,妙丽拥抱着他哭着道别,老子都泪眼婆娑到累了。接着佛地魔带着哈利的伪遗体回到校园劝全体师生投降。跩哥(Draco)在家长的催促下回到佛地魔一方。我的妈那一幕说有多诡异就有多诡异,你看佛地魔上前去拥抱跩哥你也会这么觉得 = = 我当时对跩哥真是有莫名的好感XD 终于哈利跳起来跟佛地魔最后决斗、食死人跟霍格华兹最后大战更是诡异。两个男人搂抱着一起飞越整个城堡虽然是有挣扎可是还是……有点怪= = 然后贝拉(Bellatrix) 一瞬间就死掉了真是错愕,老子情绪还没酝酿好啊,战争尾声让我我觉得有点虎头蛇尾。茉莉杀掉贝拉过后那个微笑表情让我觉得很怪很莫名啊啊啊啊!!! 而且她这一整集似乎从头到尾看起来都很冷漠似的。
最后是『19 years later, all was well.』全体装大人XD 我只能说还是Emma Watson最漂亮。Rupert Grint看他的肚子就有够像大叔了!!! Bonnie Wright整个也是成熟,完全像个中年妇人Orz 哈利适中打扮刚好。不过还是Emma 最漂亮啦XD
看完戏的感想是……尼玛最后一集够力催泪!!! 嗯……其实这篇我应该打英文才对。反正虹绫你也不太懂我写什么吧= = 哈利波特用中文描述好像哪里怪怪的……
一开始的时候整个很亢奋坐不住等不及结果后来很轰轰烈烈地在戏院哭红了眼睛,老子出戏院的时候几乎都不敢抬头。明明书都看了几百遍对白都快倒背如流了,一场戏还是让我在戏院里哭了好几次。谢天谢地我前后左右都没有人做,最靠近我的人坐跟我同一排最右边而我坐在最左侧[中间那一排]。听到不远处传来哭声,我更是完全不保留哭得一个叫稀里哗啦,反正丢脸的不止我一个,干嘛压抑自己,尼玛哽咽吞眼泪很辛苦好不好。而且我要说……我发现很多人跟我都有同样的哭点好不好!!! 这哪是我的问题!!! 这是哈利波特迷才能感受到的感动啊!!!! [[证据]] 切~!!!
有一幕是石内卜[[看了英文的都快想不起中译版的名了]]Snape深夜召集学生地毯式搜索哈利,哈利从人群中走出来指责他对邓布利多不忠,然后凤凰会(TOoP)的人都从大门闯进来站在哈利身后的时候我就觉得眼球后好像有热刀戳着般心里酸酸的[酝酿着情绪了有木有Orz]。不过人家书里明明就没有这一幕!!! 大家都无条件信任并支持他,很动容啊。接下来有一幕是佛地魔(Voldemort) 对霍格华兹校园喊话要他们交出哈利保平安,史莱哲林(Slytherin)的帕金森(Pansy Parkinson)[[我记得书上是这么写可是电影里的叫什么名我真的不懂]]指着哈利要人抓住他的时候,大家不是都站到哈利前面了嘛,我眼睛都湿了。可是飞七(Filch)管理员一出现就害我笑倒破功了。麦教授(McGonagall)不是都不说人坏话的么?这下居然还当面指责他是白痴XDD
麦教授施法让石像武士下来保卫Hogwarts的时候我真的眼泪啪嗒啪嗒掉个不停,真的开战了啊[[打仗的明明又不是我 = =]] 可是接着麦教授很有喜感地像小女孩一样兴奋说着『我一直想用这个咒语』我就笑翻了。真是又哭又笑黄狗撒尿。后来看到巫师们向天空发射保护罩,保护罩紧密地连在一起保护霍格华兹,老子又华丽丽地哭了。大家都誓死保护自己最珍贵的东西、保护这个最多回忆、就像家一样的校园。那种等着灾难来临的紧张恐惧感但是同时又温暖坚定而强大的力量,终归来去还是爱啊。[[俺啥时候学到邓布利多那一套了= =]] 哎老子都快哭得缺水了。可是奈威(Neville)迎接由狼人灰背带领的食死人(Death eaters)的那一边真的让我忍不住微笑哈X) 保护罩崩裂食死人开始闯入校园那部分我真看得很脆弱,随便一点都会哭。打仗啊打仗!!! 我从来没有看过哪一部动作片能掉这么多眼泪的啊。夭寿平时怎样都不哭看戏的时候就哭到不会停。我的眼泪一定是只设定在看戏的时候才会掉的吧= =
佛地魔在湖中心的小屋召见石内卜的时候[[明明应该是在尖叫屋才对]],那段对话其实我很烦。为什么还不杀死石内卜~我要看他跟哈利的互动,不要看你个没鼻子的佛地魔[[真邪恶]] 石内卜眼含着泪让哈利把他的眼泪拿去那一幕真是痛苦啊~我是说石内卜看起来很痛苦又凄凉不是我看得很痛苦。最后说完『你有你母亲的眼睛』就死了,真是……嗷!! 鼻酸啊!!! 中场休息[[不要怀疑打仗当然也有中场休息]],哈利三人回到校园看到横尸遍野。吼厚!! 看到菲雷(Fred)、路平(Lupin)和东施(Tonks)的尸体……真的尼玛想不哭都很难啊!!! 尤其是Fred那只淘气宝啊!! T____T 有没有搞错,一部电影要耗掉我多少纸巾啊。
登登登登,重点来了。哈利一个人去校长室拿出储思盆(Pensieve),把Snape的眼泪(记忆)倒进去,看到了石内卜知道的所有事。儿时的Snape和Lily躺在树下聊天那一幕我真的很喜欢很喜欢,太温馨了。记忆里包括邓布利多告诉石内卜哈利必须死佛地魔才能死的对话[[这一部分我已经憋尿得快疯飞去厕所了,所以我依据记忆讲出来的是看了两次加起来的印象]]。老子一从厕所回来就看到了石内卜唤出护法咒(patronus charm)的那一幕,眼泪又华丽丽地撒满了一地。爱至深连护法的形体都为之改变啊,就跟东施一样(电影里应该没有着重过东施的部分)。接下来是重点的重点!!! 佛地魔消失的那一夜,石内卜有些担忧/战战兢兢地进入波特家,看到詹姆士的遗体后,脸色难看地扶着墙进入卧房…… 石内卜抱着哈利死去的母亲,莉莉痛心疾首那一幕……老子简直是跟着泣不成声啊。还有那一句经典的『Always.』不要说为之动容啊老子简直是为之伤心欲绝啊。
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这个是GIF动图,给它一点时间 |
最后哈利了解真相知道他是最后一个分灵体(horcrux),打算进入禁忌森林去面对佛地魔前,妙丽拥抱着他哭着道别,老子都泪眼婆娑到累了。接着佛地魔带着哈利的伪遗体回到校园劝全体师生投降。跩哥(Draco)在家长的催促下回到佛地魔一方。我的妈那一幕说有多诡异就有多诡异,你看佛地魔上前去拥抱跩哥你也会这么觉得 = = 我当时对跩哥真是有莫名的好感XD 终于哈利跳起来跟佛地魔最后决斗、食死人跟霍格华兹最后大战更是诡异。两个男人搂抱着一起飞越整个城堡虽然是有挣扎可是还是……有点怪= = 然后贝拉(Bellatrix) 一瞬间就死掉了真是错愕,老子情绪还没酝酿好啊,战争尾声让我我觉得有点虎头蛇尾。茉莉杀掉贝拉过后那个微笑表情让我觉得很怪很莫名啊啊啊啊!!! 而且她这一整集似乎从头到尾看起来都很冷漠似的。
最后是『19 years later, all was well.』全体装大人XD 我只能说还是Emma Watson最漂亮。Rupert Grint看他的肚子就有够像大叔了!!! Bonnie Wright整个也是成熟,完全像个中年妇人Orz 哈利适中打扮刚好。不过还是Emma 最漂亮啦XD
看完戏的感想是……尼玛最后一集够力催泪!!! 嗯……其实这篇我应该打英文才对。反正虹绫你也不太懂我写什么吧= = 哈利波特用中文描述好像哪里怪怪的……
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